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Joxemartin Apalategi Begiristainen oroimenez = En recuerdo de Joxemartin Apalategi Begiristain = À la mèmoire de Joxemartin Apalategi Begiristain [on line]

Egaña Goya, Miren

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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This piece of work has set out to achieve the following: to explain an ordinary job done by the Basques who went out to the United States at one time. These Basques learnt to be shepherds and were appreciated for their work; they were virtually the only ones who did that job. Even though they started by working for other people, thanks to the money they made from their solitary life in the mountains they soon became the owners of their own flocks of sheep.

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