Renewal of vowels: the term is open

Corporate news


Renewal of vowels: the term is open

The General Assembly of Eusko Ikaskuntza will vote on June 3 for the renewal of four posts on the Governing Council.

In accordance with the provisions of the Company's Statutes, this year the vowels corresponding to the following territories must be renewed: Alava, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa and Navarra.

Until May 4, the process of presenting candidacies will remain open, which must be endorsed by at least 1% of the number of members of each territory or by two members of the Governing Council, as indicated. See article 31 of the Statutes.

The General Assembly, convened for June 3 in Donostia, will be the one that proceeds to the election.

All the necessary documentation is available in the Private Zone of the web.

(Automatic translation via Google Translate)

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