International Journal on Basque Studies, RIEV

Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos. RIEV, 47, 2

Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos. RIEV, 47, 2

Author[s]: Ursua, Nicanor... [et al.]

Publication year:
Publication place:
47,2, 355-897, 2002
Price, not member:
14 €
Price, member:
8 €

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Issue no. 47, 2 (2002, 2) of the International Journal on Basque Studies (RIEV), devotes a Dossier to Techno-scientific dissemination in action, co-ordinated by Ignacio Ayestarán and Nicanor Ursúa, in which the following researchers also take part: Isidoro Reguera, Andoni Alonso, Iñaki Arzoz, Javier Díaz Noci, Koldo Martínez and Félix Ares. Through the articles published in the Tribuna section the main fields of Basque culture and society are covered. Historian and sociologist Eguzki Urteaga publishes an article on the local press in the northern Basque Country. Juan Plazaola with his article on Gothic art in Euskal Herria, completes the medieval period of his History of the Art of Vasconia. Also, we will find the customary sections like Reseña - where mention is made of the latest and most outstanding publications on Basque topics -, Tesis - the list of doctoral theses read in the universities of Vasconia and commentaries on those related to Basque culture -, and Noticia - with the most outstanding events in the Basque Studies Society and in the Basque Country. Once again, Carmen Echevarria, José Mª Barrutia and Itziar Aguado provide news on the bibliographical novelties on the Economy of the Basque Autonomous Community and the Statutory Community of Navarre, in this case corresponding to 2002




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