Osasunaz. Cuadernos de Ciencias de la Salud

Osasunaz. Cuadernos de Ciencias Médicas

Osasunaz. Cuadernos de Ciencias Médicas

Author[s]: Diego Rivas, María Julia de [et al.

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Five projects are presented in the section on Originals: a study on mortality in Vitoria. Factors related to fertility in the human semen. The effect of the addiction to opiates in the endogenous opiate metabolism. Ethical and legal aspects of cloning and cellular cultivation, and The importance of language in current medical practice. Below are the motions presented at the Health and Society Sessions (Osasuna eta Gizartea): "Doping, Sport and Health, Homage to our associate Ignacio María Barriola Irigoyen", Donostia - San Sebastián 22-10-1999. This motion approaches doping in sports from a medical point of view, recalling the medical and cultural activity of Dr. Barriola and "The problems of drug addiction in society", Bilbao 6-10- 2000. This motion is a joint study of scientific and social aspects of the problem of drug addiction. The present issue is headed with a small memoir on our recently deceased associate Germán Tamayo Salaberria.




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