Editorial Catalogue

Eusko Ikaskuntza: Argitalpen jardueraren katalogoa [1918-1998] = Sociedad de Estudios Vascos: Catálogo de la actividad editorial 1918-1998 = Société d'Etudes Basques: catalogue de l'activité éditoriale [

Eusko Ikaskuntza: Argitalpen jardueraren katalogoa [1918-1998] = Sociedad de Estudios Vascos: Catálogo de la actividad editorial 1918-1998 = Société d'Etudes Basques: catalogue de l'activité éditoriale [

Author[s]: Ormazabal Altuna, José Angel; Arzamendi Sese, Arantza

Publication year:
Publication place:
531 or. : ir. ; 24 cm.


The present catalogue has been carried out within the context of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the foundation of Eusko Ikaskuntza (1918-1998) and it is an update of that accomplished in 1993, during the 75th anniversary of the foundation of this institution. This Catalogue includes, as a novelty with respect to the previous edition, the description of the contents of all the publications with indication of authors and titles of the respective articles. In addition to detailing editorial activity, it also includes references to parallel endeavours related to Eusko Ikaskuntza?s editorial operation, such as promotional activities, sponsorship and distribution of foreign publications. Within its editorial policy, Eusko Ikaskuntza has prioritised collections and series of periodical publications. Occasionally, certain publications have been devoted to monographic topics or to the publication of the minutes of sessions and congresses organised by the institution.





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