Basque culture in the press

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"Sanfermines" en Salamanca.

DIARIO DE NAVARRA - 1958-07-16 - Anthropology, Ethnography and Folklore

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"Sangre de Uganda".

HERALDO ALAVÉS - 1930-01-22 - Publications

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"Sangüesa antaño", interesante exposición en la sala de cultura de la Caja de Ahorros de Navarra.

DIARIO DE NAVARRA - 1974-09-22 - Anthropology, Ethnography and Folklore

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"Santa Cruz, guerrillero".

EL LIBERAL - 1928-09-23 - Publications

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"Santa Maria Goretti"

HERRIA - 1954-03-18 - Publications

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"Sarako eche bat".

GURE HERRIA - 1922-06-01 - Architecture

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GURE HERRIA - 1926-06-01 - Architecture

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"Saski Naski Poxpoliña" y sus bellas finalidades.

EL PUEBLO VASCO - 1933-01-31 - Performing Arts

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"Seis días en Bilbao".

EL LIBERAL - 1930-10-02 - Publications

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"Sempertar hetarik ota da hau?".

GURE HERRIA - 1921-04-01 -

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