Basque culture in the press

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Perfil humano de Velázquez. Conferencia del profesor don Francisco Abbad, catedrático de la Universidad de Zaragoza.

DIARIO DE NAVARRA - 1960-12-17 - Painting

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PENSAMIENTO ALAVÉS - 1955-05-06 - Architecture

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Pintores alaveses en la Nacional de Pintura.

PENSAMIENTO ALAVÉS - 1954-05-14 - Painting

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Pintores vitorianos en Madrid.

PENSAMIENTO ALAVÉS - 1952-04-18 - The Arts

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Pinturas de Apellániz en San Miguel.

PENSAMIENTO ALAVÉS - 1900-10-17 - Painting

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Plazuela del Machete.

PENSAMIENTO ALAVÉS - 1955-05-16 - Architecture

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Poesía bíblica.

PENSAMIENTO ALAVÉS - 1950-03-14 - Literature

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Poetisa vitoriana.

PENSAMIENTO ALAVÉS - 1952-08-28 - Publications

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Por tierras de Alava.

PENSAMIENTO ALAVÉS - 1952-05-31 - Geography and Territorial Planning

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Premio mensual de Periodismo "Febrero 1954".

PENSAMIENTO ALAVÉS - 1954-02-18 - Communication Studies

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