Basque culture in the press

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42 results

LE COURRIER - 1928-05-31 - Music

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LE COURRIER / Supplément Hebdomadaire Illustré - 1930-02-07 - Photography

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"Trois cents ans d´histoire au Pays Basque: Urrugne, Socoa, Béhobie, Hendaye, Biriatou" par Jean Fourcade.

GURE HERRIA - 1967-12-01 - Literature

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"Ziburu´n. Itsas argiaren dorrea".

GURE HERRIA - 1921-07-01 - Architecture

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GURE HERRIA - 1921-01-01 - Architecture

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Cambo. Ciboure.

ESKUALDUNA - 1904-09-09 - Literature

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Ciboure élit son curé au suffrage universel..

GURE HERRIA - 1927-09-01 - Sociology

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Ciboure et les artistes.

LE COURRIER DE BAYONNE - 1936-11-20 - Publications

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ESKUALDUNA - 1901-03-08 - Biography

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Ciboure. Fête basque.

LE COURRIER DE BAYONNE - 1938-08-29 - Anthropology, Ethnography and Folklore

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