Basque culture in the press

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ESKUALDUNA - 1901-11-29 - Publications

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Jaun aphezpiku berrieri eskualdunen gurutzea.

ESKUALDUNA - 1930-07-18 - Photography

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Le centenaire du "Courrier".

LE COURRIER - 1929-09-17 - Communication Studies

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M. Raymond Larrieu et une étude sur l'urbanisme de Biarritz.

LE COURRIER - 1946-01-11 - Geography and Territorial Planning

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St. Jean Pied de Port. Les "Begirale".

LE COURRIER DE BAYONNE - 1936-07-02 - Anthropology, Ethnography and Folklore

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Une réunion de bascophiles.

ESKUALDUNA - 1901-05-17 - Unspecified

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